ICS Daily Devotions
Things Happen When You Speak
Daniel 10:12-13 (NKJV) Then he said to me, “Do not fear, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your heart to understand, and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard; and I have come because of your words. But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me twenty-one days; and behold, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, for I had been left alone there with the kings of Persia.
Whenever we speak to the stronghold, something will be released into the spiritual realm. The angel who was sent in response to Daniel’s prayer was hindered by the prince of Persia for 21 days, and there wasn’t a breakthrough until the archangel Michael came to help this angel to overcome the prince of Persia, a spiritual being with a stronghold of influence over the kingdom of Babylon. Although there is a hierarchy among the demons, take heart that Jesus has disarmed all of them!
Matthew 18:18 (NKJV) “Assuredly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.
We need to know the position and vested authority that belong to us when we pray in agreement to bind and loose in the Jesus’ name. There are spiritual strongholds over certain geographical areas because the people in those areas have given over their rights to, or welcomed the enemy into their midst. Therefore, whenever we do prayer walks, we are to take authority over the strongholds in Jesus’ name by entering the grounds in prayers!
There is tremendous power and authority that go out with our words when we speak, and God doesn’t ask us to speak to the mountain in our lives or the places where we are interceding during our prayer walks based on our own ability. Instead, we are speaking from a position of victory and authority in Christ.
Just like we wouldn’t allow intruders into our homes, neither should we allow anything that is not of God to come into our lives. Instead, we should release the presence of God into the school, the city, the company, and the government. The whole of God’s authority vested on us goes out with our words when we speak to the situation. No demonic forces, hindrances by the devil, or anything not of God shall stand against what we speak unto the spiritual realm! It may take a while for us to witness the development in the natural realm once it has been set in motion in the spiritual realm, but it will surely happen!
Sermon Series: A Quiet and Peaceable Life