The Living Word Of God

ICS Daily Devotions
The Living Word of God

Matthew 4:4 But He answered and said, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.

The Bible tells us that there is power in the words we speak and we should not misuse them. We need to be clear that we have not been given authority to get our carnal desires, that we can just name and claim whatever we want. We are not supposed to claim our neighbors’ car or house. It is not to be used in the cases where we desire what someone else has and claim it away from them so that we can have it.

The foundation for speaking faith-filled words is God’s Word. We must live by God’s word. We can and should have absolute confidence in confessing, possessing, naming and claiming the things God has spoken to us from His word. The word here is rhema in Greek which means that it has been uttered by the living voice, thing spoken, or word. Jesus is telling us that we do not live by food alone but by the rhema word that comes from God’s mouth. We are to live by every rhema word spoken or living that comes from God’s mouth into our hearts.

Have you ever been seeking God by listening to a sermon and reading the word and experienced that God spoke to you? Maybe you experienced that a verse lit up in your heart or the scripture jumped off a page. It does not mean you heard the angelic choir or felt goose bumps but the word of God quickened your spirit.

A rhema word is a living word that comes from the mouth of God. It is a word that the Holy Spirit brings attention to in our lives for wisdom and guidance. Jesus said these are the words we are to live by and these are the words we are supposed to speak. We do not only need physical food but also the word of God. The written word which is the logos is important but we also need the rhema word which God speaks specifically into our situations.

Words are important and powerful. We can choose to speak life or death through the power of the tongue. The tongue is a small piece on our body but it can direct our lives into a certain direction. Whatever you are facing now, choose to agree with God through His word. Jesus taught us to speak to the mountain and cast it into the sea. Jesus even illustrated what can be done through speaking to things.

Let faith arise in your heart and become stronger and stronger to the extent that the mountain has no choice but to go. Seek the Lord for the season you are in and for the season to come. Seek Him for a rhema word that you stand on when the storm comes. A rhema word that you choose to believe in is more than your own feelings.

David saw Goliath the same way as the others with his physical eyes, but he saw beyond the situation because he placed his trust in God. Goliath was mocking God yet David went against him and challenged him by saying “Who do you think you are?”

The same way we do not allow the situation or circumstances to mock us but we go against them in the name of Jesus with the word of God and we will see Him come through for us. Jesus could have used something smaller in His illustration like an elephant, house and all the big heavy things. However He used a mountain which is so great to show us the greatness of the power released when we believe in God’s word!

Sermon Series: Get A Grip On Your Lips