The Believer’s Authority

The Believer’s Authority
Message by Senior Pastor Daniel Ho, 9 Jul 2023, 10am service
Main Passage: Eph 6:10-18 (Amp)

Please download today’s bulletin here.

Prayer Requests

  1. Pray for In Christ Singapore, for the mission of the church. Pray that we be a church that welcomes the presence of God; and strong in prayer and worship.
  2. We pray for the situation in Ukraine. We pray for a peaceful resolution over the land. We seek comfort and strength over the lives of those affected by the acts of violence. We pray for wisdom upon the leaders to manage the volatile situation.
  3. We pray for our church members to be in good health and God’s protection upon their lives. We pray that each and every one of us can continue to be salt and light among our colleagues, families and friends.
  4. Pray for the upcoming M’Hub. That it will be a place for us to connect with the community and be the blessing that we are called to be. We pray for connection points to engage the community and to see lives transformed as they encounter God’s love.
  5. Pray for the Sunday service. For God’s presence and Spirit to be among us. Pray for protection on the children at Kids Church.
  6. Pray for Ps Daniel and our mother church in SH. For God’s protection and wisdom in the midst of this time. We praise God that they are able to reopen their on-site services.
  7. Pray for our leaders, board members, cell group leaders and ministry heads. Pray for the wisdom and protection of God to be upon them.

Bank Transfer:

Account Name: In Christos Singapore Ltd
Bank Name: OCBC Bank
Account Number: 69555 3420 001 (SGD)


UEN Number: 201616305Z



Sermon Discussion Questions

  1. Spiritual warfare is real. What are the 2 types of spiritual warfare that we can encounter? Eph 6:11-12 states that our struggle is not against flesh and blood and that we can stand up against the schemes and strategies and the deceits of the devil. How can you tell if you are fighting against natural or spiritual forces? How can you stand firm and be victorious? (Eph 1:21, Eph 6:10)
  2. How are we able to stand firm? What can we be sure of in our position in Christ? How do we know we have the victory? (Eph 6:10, Eph 1:20-23, Eph 2:6, Matt 28:18, Col 2:15)
  3. Every believer can arm himself with the full armor of God, and take authority to stand firm against the work of the devil. What makes up the different parts of the armor of God? Why are they important and how do they help us be on the defensive or offensive in our spiritual battles? (Eph 6:10-18)