Ordinary People, Extraordinary Power – Philip

Ordinary People, Extraordinary Power – Philip
Message by Ps Loong Aphichai, 15 Sep 2024, 10am service
Main Passage: Acts 8:1-8, 26-40 (English Standard Version)

  1. Philip obeyed God without knowing the outcome. How can we learn to trust and
    follow God’s guidance, even when we don’t understand His plan? Can you recall a time when obedience led to unexpected blessings?
  2. Philip’s story emphasizes sharing the Good News with strangers. What fears or
    challenges keep us from sharing our faith? How can we overcome these and be more intentional in spreading the Gospel?
  3. The early church spread the Gospel through persecution. How can difficult times
    be opportunities for God to work through us? How does trusting His plan help us endure and share His love?