It’s Always Too Soon to Quit

It’s Always Too Soon to Quit
Message by Ps Loong Aphichai, 10 Nov 2024, 10am service
Main Passage: Acts 18:1-22 (English Standard Version)

  1. In what ways has God provided you with “devoted helpers” during challenging times, and how did their support help you persevere? How can you be a helper to someone else in their spiritual journey?
  2. Paul faced significant opposition in his ministry, yet he did not quit. Have you ever experienced resistance or hardship in your faith journey that made you feel like giving up? How did you, or how can you, overcome it?
  3. God gave Paul a word of assurance to keep him encouraged. How do you recognize God’s voice of encouragement and assurance in your life? What practices help you stay connected to God’s guidance when you’re feeling weary or uncertain?