Celebration Service

Celebration Service
Sermon by Ps. Sandra Westerdahl, 9 May 2021, 10am service

Please download today’s bulletin here.

Prayer Requests

    1. Pray for the world and the situation of Covid-19. Pray for all on the frontlines to be able to make good decisions have wisdom in their work. Pray for cases to go down around the world and all who have suffered loss during this time.
    2. Pray for ICSG on-site Sunday services. Pray for all the people serving as well as for all the logistics to work smoothly. Pray that those who are joining us via livestream will be ministered to by the worship and word. Pray for kids church and youth ministry as they open up their physical service again. Pray for all to go smooth and for God to minister to all of them.
    3. Pray for the cases in Singapore to remain low and for the Lord to restore and heal those who are sick.
    4. Pray for our church members, for protection upon them and their families. Pray for family relations to grow even stronger during this time.
    5. Pray for Ps Daniel and our mother church in SH. For God’s protection and wisdom in the midst of this time.
    6. Pray for our leaders, board members, cell group leaders and ministry heads.
    7. Pray for all the people joining the different outreach through cell groups to experience the love of God and to come to the knowledge of Jesus

Bank Transfer:

Account Name: In Christos Singapore Ltd
Bank Name: OCBC Bank
Account Number: 69555 3420 001 (SGD)


UEN Number: 201616305Z



Sermon Discussion Questions

  1. How did the first church continually keep the fellowship of the believers according to Acts 2:41-43? Why do you think our longing to see more of the Lord as a church is so important?
  2. Why is it so important we become like a lighthouse that cannot be moved when it comes the truth of the word of God and showing God’s way to people?
  3. What is the reason we can love God and also love people? What do stories like that of Katherine Lawes teach us about the love of God we can show others?