Like-minded People
ICS Daily Devotions
Philippians 2:19-20 (NKJV) But I trust in the Lord Jesus to send Timothy to you shortly, that I also may be encouraged when I know your state. For I have no one like-minded, who will sincerely care for your state.
The Apostle Paul was very confident in sending Timothy to the church in Philippi because Timothy was like-minded with him. He knew that Timothy would represent him well and fulfil the task given. It was a trusted partnership. Timothy had the same love, care and passion for the church in Philippi. Because Timothy was Paul’s travel companion on the mission trip, he knew Paul’s concerns, passion, ministry direction, ministry priorities and how things should be done. Of course, it was first and foremost their love and passion for their Saviour Jesus Christ that bound them together.
Philippians 2:2 (NKJV) fulfil my joy by being like-minded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind.
It brings tremendous joy to pastors when there are like-minded people with them. It makes the work of the ministry easier, because dealing with people can be very emotionally draining but unfortunately the pastoral ministry is about people. The opposite of having joy in the ministry is pain, hurt and sorrow that is brought to the minister of God because of strife and division. That’s why the Apostle Paul asked the Philippians to fulfil his joy by adopting the attitudes of being like-minded, one accord, same love and one mind because it is important to be like-minded with the pastor that you serve with to fulfil the mandate of the church.
God will communicate His plan to His under-shepherds who will share their hearts with the congregation so they can be like-minded. If this like-mindedness with the pastor is settled, everything in the church ministry will be easy, smooth, and aligned. This like-mindedness is especially important for board members, cluster leaders, cell group leaders and staff because they are helping the pastor at all levels of leadership. They should emphasise, communicate, and reinforce the vision of the church to both old and new members.
You can be a blessing to ICS just as Timothy was to Paul by being like-minded with regards to pastoral care. ICS is a cell church. All the pastoral and koinonia (deep fellowship with God and fellow believers) happen in the cell groups. We stress the importance of discussing the Sunday sermon so that everyone regardless of their spiritual maturity can participate in the discussion and practise the truth. Cell groups exist for evangelism as well as for koinonia. When cell group leaders are like-minded with the pastor, they will think and minister to the people in the same manner just like Timothy in relation to Paul. Being of one mind is the inner desire to conduct oneself in a cooperative manner, be on the same team, go for the same objectives, for the benefit of one another. The one mind or one goal is to preach the Gospel and to make Jesus known.
Sermon Series:ServeFest