ICS Daily Devotions
He Will Never Leave nor Forsake You
Hebrews 13:5-6 Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” So we may boldly say: “The Lord is my helper; I will not fear. What can man do to me?”
If our identity is based on worldly definitions such as our calling card, our lifestyle and how others will value us, we will be a very insecure person. The pursuit of significance and prosperity in the world’s way will cause us to succumb to pressures to conform to the world and engage in ungodly conduct: drinking with bosses, clients or colleagues out of peer pressure, using underhand to climb the corporate ladder or to get back at others, and spend too much time at work that it becomes an idol in our lives.
When someone truly believes that promotion comes from the Lord, they will honour God in everything they do just like Daniel in the Old Testament, who would not succumb to the pressures of Babylon to bow down to worship idols, but continued to pray to God at the stipulated time. The gift and calling on his life, the excellence spirit in him and the fact that He honoured God got Daniel ahead of his peers because God caused him to stand out among them.
If God is going to pave the way for your promotion and if He chooses to bless the work of your hands, nothing will be able to hinder it. It was God who caused King Nebuchadnezzar and the kings after him to take notice of Daniel. It is much better for God to orchestrate for your bosses to take notice of you because you are faithful with the little than for you to use your own ways and abilities to promote yourself. Nobody can bring about a curse on whom God has blessed. One will be a very confident and secure person or leader in the corporate world when they truly know that their position has been given by God as a blessing.
Because nobody can serve God and mammon at the same time, if we have covetousness, we will not be able to worship God with our giving to the Lord through our tithe and offering. However, praise be to God that the fear of not having enough money can be put to rest when we are assured that God will not leave, forsake or abandon us.
Therefore, let us decide not to be conformed to the world but trust that God has a good plan for our lives!
Sermon Series: Looking Forward to 2020