God Is The Source Of Your Daily Bread

God Is The Source Of Your Daily Bread
ICS Daily Devotions

Matthew 6:1 (NKJV) Give us this day our daily bread.

The Lord’s Prayer is a model and a way for us to approach God in prayer. The above verse is a crucial
part of the Prayer because it concerns our dependency on God. It acknowledges that God is the sole provider of everything we have and that we are stewards of His blessings.

Many people may find it irrelevant, insulting or demeaning to ask God for their daily bread, and
Christians are often teased when they give thanks to God before a meal. However, if we are well grounded in the Word, we will not take it for granted that we are about to partake of something good.
When the Israelites left the land of Egypt, they trusted God for the quail and manna daily. They were dependent on God, who provided them with manna daily. In the earlier portion of the Book of Deuteronomy, God was reminding them not to forget God, who is the provider of everything they had
because He was watching over the covenant with them. God wanted them to be mindful after they had
built beautiful houses and had more than enough for the family that it was God who had blessed them, and in their abundance, they must not forget to worship and honour God.

It is easy to take pride in our wealth because we think it is due to our own ability, but we need to realise that it is the grace of God that we have everything in our lives. God is the creator of heaven and earth, and we are part of His creation. Our entire being — body, mind, and spirit—is His creation. God created us and breathed life into us, which is why we are still alive. It is in Him that we move and have our being. No amount of riches and wealth can give us life. Sadly, some people may only realise this truth when they are on their deathbed.

Often, too, it is only when things go awry in our lives that we seek God and pray for Him to deliver us from the situation. However, how can we trust God for the thousands and the millions when we have not started to trust Him for our daily bread? Everything is progressive, including our faith in God. Therefore, we need to develop our faith in God for His provision by including in our daily prayer, “Give us this day our daily bread”. It helps us to be wholly dependent on God. When we have this dependence on God, it frees us from the fear of tithing and giving freewill offerings. They are expressions of our faith and declarations of our trust that He is the source of our provision and our
freedom from the stronghold of money over our lives.

Sermon Series: Lord, Teach Us How To Pray