Functioning as One Body

ICS Daily Devotions
Functioning As One Body

Romans 12:9-13 (NKJV) Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor what is evil. Cling to what is good. Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another; not lagging in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord; rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer; distributing to the needs of the saints, given to hospitality.

Unity in the body is vital in God’s strategy to touch the world. Unity is the visible evidence that the church members are following the pastor. Unity in the church body will convince a lost world of the truth of the gospel. A lack of unity in a church reflects negatively on the name of the Lord. Believers who walk in the Spirit are called to be peaceful, not divisive. Ministers should motivate unity and spiritual growth. Deacons are charged with the responsibility to maintain peace in practical matters.

There can be no unity without submission to the vision, and for this reason, believers are to choose the church where they are comfortable with the vision and mission of the church. Do not lag in diligence but be fervent in spirit to serve the Living God once you have understood the church calling. There is no such thing as “our own” ministry against each other in the church because we are a body ministry. We are to be of the same mind just as the word is being taught regarding how the Spirit-empowered body should work together.

We are covenant partners in the church and will look into the interest of one another. As we partake of the holy communion from the same cup, we are reminded that we are in the same covenant. Covenant partners will not attack one another, and the new creation cause us to love one another with the agape love. We will ensure that we look out and watch out for each other because we belong to the same body.

We love each other affectionately and work diligently as a body to fulfil the mission. We should rush to help each other and even make the person look good without the person knowing it. That is agape love. Every joint in the body has its function and it causes growth to the body. When we are of the same mind that we are using the gifts and talents that He has given us to serve God and to glorify His name, then we want to ensure that everything is about God.

We will cover each other weakness with our strength. Some visionary person may be good in designing large frameworks but can be very weak in details and processes. But if you have the gift of administration, then use it to work as a team without the visionary person looking bad. Stand up and step forward to offer your service. You are doing it because of your passion for the Lord and to ensure that the church that is set on the hill is shining forth. Every successful team and church need people of different gifts, abilities, strengths to cover each other weaknesses. That’s part of Spirit empowered living!

When one part of the body suffers, the entire body will hurt. Therefore, we need to take care of one another well. We need to allow the Holy Spirit to work in our lives and through our lives to build up the body and impact the lost community around us. We can bless the local community through good works like helping the poor and needy. We can serve in missions. The important thing is that we pull in the same direction as a church. Every member, cell group and ministries are to fully support the vision of the church and the expression of it through various initiatives that serve God’s purpose.

Sermon series: Our Church experiencing God Together (CG campaign 3)