ICS Daily Devotions
Do Not Resolve a Conflict In the Flesh
Galatians 5:15-17 But if you bite and devour one another, beware lest you be consumed by one another! I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things that you wish.
The normal reaction in a conflict is to bite and devour one another until the relationship is destroyed. If we are left to ourselves then it will be an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. Nobody will win except the devil because he has succeeded in stealing our joy, peace, love and destroying our marriage relationship.
While we do have a personality that God has given us, we can also have a redeemed personality. It means that we perhaps have a personality who speaks in a direct manner, and we are demanding and love confrontation. The redeemed personality is able to bridle the tongue, allow the words to be seasoned with salt and speak word that edifies. It is yielding and walking in the Spirit even though the flesh wants to confront, destroy the other with word and win at all cost.
There are some basics that we need to know as believers just in case that we think it is impossible to resolve a conflict in a marriage. The flesh can be defined as the sum of appetites, desires, wishes and needs whose purpose is the satisfaction of self. There can be possible weapons used in a conflict. Don’t dwell on these. It concerns anger or threats to tell or do something unpleasant. The individuals in the relationship can refuse to make love or let the other party sleep in the room. They can be friendly to others so as to get the other party jealous. Or they can go back home to the parents and tell how bad the spouse has been.
Such a behavior will not help the marriage! Stop walking according to the flesh and do not allow your relationship to crumble. Walk in the Spirit instead. It is yielding to the prompting of the Holy Spirit and to live out our lives through the empowerment of the Spirit and the new creation. The peace of the Lord will come upon you and you will be able to refrain and turn away from anger. The Spirit will teach you how to exercise patience. You will think before you will get an opportunity to say something negative. You will be gentle with your answer and your words will bear spiritual fruit. Those who used to release their stress through talking, complaining and lamenting will have strength to exercise self control and bridle their tongue. You will be able to repay the other party with love and kindness. Even if the other party hurt you, you will be mature enough to forgive and move on. Such a relationship between two people will flourish beyond measure and you will fulfill the will of God.
Sermon Series: Before You Say I Do