ICS Daily Devotions
Can a Christian Be Rich and Godly?
Can rich people be godly? We often find it difficult to talk about money and riches in church. We should not be ashamed to talk about words or topics that have been covered in the Bible. We usually have a picture of the rich being unscrupulous in their business dealings, loving worldly pleasures and being too preoccupied with material possessions. While this might be the case for some, it does not need to be the norm. Why can’t a wealthy Christian live a consecrated life before God, having the right values, principles, priorities in life and also a blessed family? Jesus also mentioned that it is possible with God for the rich to enter the Kingdom of God. Therefore, we need to have a paradigm shift that we are able to be godly and rich because we know that we are stewards of God’s money.
If our end goal is to be godly and successful, then we need to ensure that we seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness so that all these things will be added to us as well.
Many have made the mistake to go all out to achieve the goal of success regardless of the cost. It is not just the cost of money invested but also what it does to our soul and body at the end of the day. While it is might be easier to recover the monetary investment, the damage done to our soul, health and family is usually irreparable.
Dallas Willard said, “What matters is not the accomplishments you achieve; what matters is the person you become.” (quoted in Soul-Keeping by John Ortberg)
1 Timothy 6:17 (NKJV) Command those who are rich in this present age not to be haughty, nor to trust in UNCERTAIN RICHES BUT in the LIVING GOD, who gives us RICHLY all things to enjoy. (emphasis added)
The Apostle Paul gave a comparison between those who trust in uncertain riches and those who trust in the living God. It is consistent with what Jesus had taught that one will either serve God or mammon. We need to choose one to be our master. It is either the living God or money. The rich young ruler chose money because he had great riches and power. We should choose God as our Lord and Savior.
One of the reasons the rich young ruler struggled to give up everything and follow Jesus was that his identity was so tied up with his wealth and power (Mark 10:17-27). Likewise, we also have similar struggles because our identity is very closely associated with our work, achievements and possessions. It has become a security blanket for us. Therefore, we will struggle to re-prioritize our values, principles, priorities, ways of doing things, and repositioning our identity to be in Christ. It doesn’t mean that it is impossible because all things are possible with God.
Sermon Series – Balancing Godliness and Riches (Part 2)