A very warm welcome to In Christ Singapore! ICS is an independent, multi-national church, ministering to expats and local families, singles and students. We want to live out the Great Commandment (Mark 12:28-31) and the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) according to the Word of God by expressing our love for God in public, small groups and personal worship.

We hope to express our love for our neighbours by making disciples of those whom God brings to ICS. We also wish to increase God’s presence to reach out with the Gospel in the city and beyond. We look forward to you being amongst us.

In Christ Singapore has a sister church, International Church of Shanghai, which ministers to expat Christians and to the greater Chinese community through outreach projects. There are over 36 cell groups meeting at various locations and at various times throughout the city, with over a thousand congregation.



Our Staff Members

Daniel Ho

Ruth Chan