A Threefold Cord is Not Easily Broken

A Threefold Cord is Not Easily Broken
ICS Daily Devotions

Ecclesiastes 4:12 (NKJV) states that though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him, and a threefold cord is not quickly broken.

The Bible uses a threefold cord to represent a Christian marriage because God is the one holding the married couple firmly together. We can also use the imagery of a triangle and envisage the husband and wife at the bottom two sides of the triangle. Their love for each other will strengthen as they draw closer to God, who is at the Apex of the triangle. God must be part of the Christian marriage because we need to love each other based on His love for us.

Therefore, spiritual intimacy is what gives marriage a firm foundation. Spiritual intimacy means both partners have a good and close relationship with God and willingly submit to Christ’s leadership and lordship instead of competing for control. When we are yoked with the Lord, making critical decisions as a couple will be much easier because we won’t move unless we know we are walking in God’s will. There will also be less friction when both partners are spiritually mature and submitting to God’s will in every aspect of their lives.

If you and your spouse desire spiritual maturity in your marriage, you need to apply the following teachings:

Marriage is a covenant and not a contract.
Never harm but stand with each other by sharing everything as partners do in a covenant relationship.
Make a conscious decision to leave your parents and be cleaved together as “one flesh”.
The couple will make decisions as a new family despite parents’ advice, solicited or otherwise.
Share the same vision for your marriage.
You have agreed on the roles and responsibilities and will work on meeting these expectations.
You have agreed who would stay home to look after the children during the formative years of their lives.
Mutually submit when it comes to spending and investing money because you have a shared bank account.
Understand that though you have different personalities, believers have redeemed personalities.
Appreciate each other’s strengths rather than concentrate on the weaknesses.
Die to yourself, deny the flesh, and pick up the cross to follow Christ by not allowing your flesh to dominate you.
Choose to resolve all differences by the end of the day.
Disallow unforgiveness, offenses, and bitterness to take root and drive a wedge between you, refuse to let the devil take a toehold in your lives.
Walk in love and the Spirit and strive to grow into the image of Christ.
Once we practise all the above and other biblical practices, our marriage will last till death separates us.

Sermon Series: Before You Say I Do