ICS Daily Devotions
A Perversive Tongue Crushes the Soul
Proverbs 15:4 (AMP) A soothing tongue [speaking words that build up and encourage] is a tree of life, But a perversive tongue [speaking words that overwhelm and depress] crushes the spirit.
Someone once said, “Constructive criticism is when I give you feedback and criticism is when you give me feedback.” Well, unless we are executive coaches, there is only judgmental and opinionated criticism. There are very few people who have the right to speak into our lives and they can only do so if there is a very strong foundation of unconditional love established in the relationship.
Humans are not animals. We do not need to tame them through shouting or physical torture in order to bring them
into subjection. Instead we should earn the respect of the people around us, our children and our subordinates. We
do not demand respect because it can only be earned even if we hold a higher position. Neither can we break them in order to let them know who is the boss or who is in control.
We need to watch the tone, the facial expression, the body language, the volume and the words that are used because they are able to completely destroy a person.
For example, words like “You should know” said in an irritated and resentful tone can really pierce the heart and
hurt someone. It not just the words, but the tone in which they are said in.
This is especially true when it is being said to a child or a weaker vessel. We must not allow rage or physical and verbal abuse to get the better of us as believers. we have been set free. It will affect a person’s confidence and self esteem if words are spoken in a condescending manner. The person may nor may not recover from the words spoken.
Another example of negative words that hurt :
The parents said to their daughter, “Why do you need to study so much and waste our money? You are just a girl!”
“I used to feel very hurt when my mom said that I am only a girl, and I don’t carry the family last name after I am married. So they gave preferential treatment to my brother. I used to think when I was younger – is it my fault that I was born a girl and not a boy?”
Sometimes, words like these can cause females to pursue goals throughout their lives in order to prove to themselves that they are better than their male counterparts. The females may even react negatively to the Scripture that says women are the “weaker vessel” (1 Peter 3:7). We should always be careful how we say certain things to children. They are fragile emotionally and can be timid in their spirit. We should be careful not to use words like “loser”, “not amount to anything”, “stupid”, “idiot” or other vulgarities. These can cause permanent scarring in them. Our words set the atmosphere in our homes.
Ephesians 4:29a (AMP) Do not let unwholesome [foul, profane, worthless, vulgar] words ever come out of your
We are to walk in love which is the hallmark of Christ’s followers.
Sermon Series: Ouch! It Hurts!