ICS Daily Devotions
The Leader – Moses
Exodus 3:10-12(NKJV) Come now, therefore, and I will send you to Pharaoh that you may bring My people, the children of Israel, out of Egypt.” But Moses said to God, “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh, and that I should bring the children of Israel out of Egypt?” So He said, “I will certainly be with you. And this shall be a sign to you that I have sent you: When you have brought the people out of Egypt, you shall serve God on this mountain.”
What are we able to learn from the Lord when it comes to choosing leaders?
God will always raise up a leader to lead the people out of a crisis. A leader to work with a team. Moses, was the chosen leader and called by God to do something in the midst of a crisis. Moses was a very reluctant leader and doubted his own ability to carry out such a task. He wasn’t the most eloquent speaker in his day, in fact he stuttered. Many people would have expected a charismatic leader who was handsome, inspiring, a high achiever or someone who stood out among the crowd. God is known for calling the most unlikely leaders in the crowd. We have read about Gideon who was cowardly hiding from the Midianites and David who was a young shepherd boy tending to his father’s flock, just to name a few. God looks at the hearts of men. He doesn’t look at one’s outward appearance or one’s secular qualification(s). So why did God choose Moses?
Numbers 12:3,7 (NKJV) (Now the man Moses was very humble, more than all men who were on the face of the earth.)….Not so with My servant Moses; He is faithful in all My house.
These two qualities of being faithful and humble are rare qualities of a leader in society today. The scariest and most toxic kind of leadership, whether in a corporate or a church organization is having leaders who think too highly of themselves. These leaders probably rely on their own strength without any regard for God. It is never pleasant having to deal with people who have character issues but are blind to them. If this person is in a leadership or influential position, the culture of the organization can be negatively affected. It will take a long time to educate and eradicate the problem, perhaps even causing more damage to the organization if this person has to be eventually removed. What is the point of having the charisma and skills, but the character is rotten? We need to ask God to give us the ability to have good judgment of character before appointing a person to a leadership position.
God in His omniscience knew that Moses would be humble, teachable and faithful in His house. God has very different qualifications for a leader. He chooses character above all else. Moses was not perfect in his ways. He was weak but overall, he acted on what God instructed him to do. Moses spent time in the presence of God talking to Him. Moses prioritized spending time in the tent with God. He fulfilled his tasks and was faithful to the calling on his life. He decided that he would not leave for any place unless the presence of God went with them. He led a consecrated and dedicated life towards God. He was faithful to God in his tasks and the people entrusted to him. These good qualities that Moses possessed pleased God.
Sermon Series: Life Lessons