What Pleases God?

What Pleases God?
Sermon by Senior Ps. Daniel Ho, 4 Oct 2020, 10am service

Please download today’s bulletin here.

Prayer Requests

    1. Pray for the world and the situation of Covid-19. Pray for all on the frontlines to be able to make good decisions have wisdom in their work. Pray for cases to go down around the world and all who have suffered loss during this time.
    2. Pray for Singapore for our leaders, doctors and nurses for wisdom and strength. Pray for the community cases to remain low as we continue in Phase 2. Pray for a smooth transition as more activities resume.
    3. Pray for the foreign worker dormitories for cases to continue to come down and for the Lord to restore and heal those that are sick.
    4. Pray for our church members, for protection upon them and their families. Pray for family relations to grow even stronger during this time.
    5. Pray for Ps Daniel and our mother church in SH. For God’s protection and wisdom in the midst of this time.
    6. Pray for our leaders, board members, cell group leaders and ministry heads.
    7. Pray for family and friends in our surroundings to be saved and become strong disciples of Christ.

Bank Transfer:

Account Name: In Christos Singapore Ltd
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Account Number: 69555 3420 001 (SGD)


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Sermon Discussion Questions

  1. What can you do to please God or to qualify to be saved and accepted by God? Explain who “Jesus died for the ungodly” refer to and how we can stand righteous before God. (Heb 11:4-6; Luke 5:31-32; Rom 4:5; Tit 3:5)
  2. Discuss why Abel’s offering of animal was favorably accepted by God, whereas God rejected Cain’s offering of the produce of the land? Compare the Day of Atonement made by the earthly High Priest with animal sacrifices to Jesus’ redemption for us as the ultimate sacrifice through His blood. (Heb 11:4; Heb 9:22; Gen 4:4; Heb 9:11-15)
  3. Discuss how you may approach God differently, knowing that God is pleased when you approach His throne of grace by faith whenever you need help or mercy or to intercede for others, and the fact that you are accepted not by your works or effort but through Jesus who justified and qualified you to come before the holy God. (Heb 4:16; Eph 1:6-7; Eze 22:30)