Identity with Christ

ICS Daily Devotions
Identity with Christ

Galatians 2:20 (NKJV) I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.

This is our identity. It is a great fact that “those who are in Christ were united with Him at the Cross by God’s sovereign inscrutable act; were crucified with Christ and buried with Him; so that their history is now ended before God; and when Christ was raised as the First-born of the new creation, they also were raised up with Him; and their history began as new creatures in God’s sight, in Christ, the last Adam.” (Paul’s Gospel by W.R Newell)

In short, once we have been united to Christ in His death, our old life is finished! We are crucified with Christ!

For example, in our old man’s thinking, marriage was all about the big “I’, instead of seeing ourselves as one flesh. Sin is all about self and the gratification of self! We were once filled with individualistic ideology! When both husband and wife think this way, then a broken marriage is inevitable. In the process, hearts are being broken, homes are being destroyed, and the collateral damage is rippling out into society as a whole. However, when we have been crucified with Christ, we will die to individualism and begin to walk in love for others. Our old man is dead, and we begin to live for Christ. We live for our spouse!

We begin to live by faith that God has given us a new life! We are a new creation in Christ, created in holiness and righteousness. Christ will give us a new desire to live a godly and holy life. He has also empowered us through the residence of the Holy Spirit in us.

The first step to a happy marriage is always Jesus Christ and He is our reference for love. In fact, the greatest gift we can give our spouse is to be a genuine Christian who reflects Christ in our relationship. A marriage covenant is more about trust than terms, more about character than convenience, more about giving than receiving. And by the power of the Holy Spirit within us, He can energize and equip us to keep covenant with our spouse.

Start by shining the light on ourselves to see our own guilt. Then learn to submit, listen and love one another. We have no right to be offended if we are crucified with Christ and have been given the commandment to love. Focus on the good points of our partner, believe in God to help us and thank God for what He is doing in our lives.

Sermon Series: Legalism to Freedom