Humble Yourself and Seek His Will

Humble Yourself and Seek His Will
ICS Daily Devotions

Matthew 6:10 (NKJV) Your kingdom come. Your will be done On earth as it is in heaven.

Sin is self-centredness. Therefore, we can be self-centred, self-absorbed, and filled with what we want and what this world has in store for us. However, being self-centred and doing things our way often get us into trouble. We are our own kingdom—the “Me, myself, and I”. There will be friction between our will and God’s will for our lives when we refuse to submit to Him. When we are self–centred, we will not want God to have a say in our lifestyle, behaviour, and the plan for our lives, and we will want to make all our decisions without regard for anyone, particularly God. The work of the flesh is the desire to live independently of God. Therefore, as believers, we will have to deal with the flesh and make it submit to the Lordship of Christ daily. It is a lifelong process, but it gets easier when we make it a daily decision to submit to Him in all we do.

As believers, we need to acknowledge God’s sovereignty, omniscience, and overall life plan. Because He is the Lord of our lives, He gets to make the call. He knows best. Our minds are too minute and finite, so we cannot compare with God’s wisdom, thoughts, and ways. It is wise to be open to God’s will and timing for everything. Through this part of the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus teaches us the posture and attitude we should adopt when approaching God. It reminds us to live a life bigger than ourselves,
a life of a greater purpose—God’s purpose, because we want to honour God.

Jesus lived a life of submission to God’s will when He walked on earth even though He is the second person of the Godhead. Jesus was 100% man and 100% God. Jesus modelled for us what a life of submission looks like. He did not seek His agenda, comfort, or convenience. Instead, He came intentionally to do the will of God. Even though there was a moment in the Garden of Gethsemane
when He struggled with the thought of being crucified, He submitted to the will of God after He had prayed the prayer of consecration.

There is always a tussle between our desires and God’s will. However, when we are humble before God, we will seek His wisdom and will in a particular situation, period in our lives, and His calling for us. God knows best what is good for us. He has a will for us in heaven, which is a good plan. This is why we want what He has in mind, planned out in heaven, and to be done for us on earth!

Sermon Series: Lord, Teach Us How To Pray