Having a Conversation with God

Having a Conversation with God
ICS Daily Devotions

Matthew 6:6-8 (NKJV) But you, when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly. And when you pray, do not use vain repetitions as the heathen do. For they think that they will be heard for their many words. “Therefore do not be like them. For your Father knows the things you have need of before you ask Him.

Prayer is never meant to be a monologue but a dialogue between you and God. In our conversations with others, sometimes they will give us an immediate answer, tell us that they will get back to us, or just be silent, and they may agree or disagree with our point of view. It works the same way with God. We can have a conversation with Him throughout the day, but we must learn to tune into His voice through the Word, leading, and the Holy Spirit’s impression on our hearts or “spirit man”. He might give us an immediate answer or be silent. Nevertheless, God will answer us through His Word, and His answer will never contradict what the Word of God advocates.

Consecration is a good foundation for prayer. When we pray, we need to begin with a surrendered life. Because Jesus’ blood has redeemed us from our sins, we willingly submit to God and live our lives to glorify His name. Our lives are not about us anymore. This is the attitude one should have when we come before God.

The Lord’s Prayer is not a formula but a guide for us. Jesus has already told us not to pray repetitively in the earlier part of the passage. Therefore, the Lord’s Prayer shouldn’t be uttered repetitively because God is looking for an open dialogue. Similarly, you would not want your child to regurgitate the same things to you every morning without sincerity. Instead, God desires to have fellowship with us. He is interested in every aspect of our lives and desires us to speak truthfully, sincerely, and earnestly with Him. We can use the Lord’s Prayer as a model and a way to approach God in prayer. You can speak to Him anytime and anywhere, without having to look for a religious site that’s touted to be holy and where prayer is heard. We have direct access to God without needing to go through another person we think God will listen to because our faith in Him moves Him.

Jesus didn’t ask His disciples to find a Rabbi to pray for them or a synagogue or temple to pray in. Jesus made it personal for us and the disciples when He asked us to enter our room and speak to the Father! It is direct access to God, the decision-maker. Prayer is a conversation between the child of God and the Heavenly Father, which can be reverential, casual, and candid at the same time.

Sermon Series: Lord Teach Us How to Pray