Marriage is Honourable

Marriage is Honourable
ICS Daily Devotions

Hebrews 13:4 (NKJV) Marriage is honourable among all, and the bed undefiled; but fornicators and adulterers God will judge.

God designed sex for procreation, pleasure, communication, and release within a marriage. He did not create casual sex, nor does He condone it. Sexual ethics help us to understand what God created us to be. It points us to our relationship with God and with each other. We must not give up sexual morality, and it is not outdated. Sex matters to God; therefore, it should matter to us.

We are being bombarded by the secular worldview on sex on mainstream and social media, and it is an incorrect view. Therefore, parents must have a proper perspective and biblical understanding of sex in marriage so that they can explain, teach, and journey with their children on this topic. There is a misperception that Christians are dull, legalistic, and religious, especially when it comes to sex. The truth is that Christians can have good and healthy sex within the marriage, which brings sexual relationships to a whole new level as compared to the secular worldview.

Because everything that is meant for good can be perverted by the devil, there must be parameters when it comes to sex. For example, fire is good for warming the house but destructive when raging in the forest. Therefore, fire must have a parameter to provide heat for the home or cooking. It is only safe with parameters and dangerous when left unattended. Likewise, sex must be enjoyed within the parameters of a covenant marriage relationship because it is destructive when engaged outside of marriage. Therefore, we should not travel by sharing the same room because lack of self-control will cause us to commit fornication.

Many babies are born into this world because of fornicators who seek pleasures without responsibilities. Consequently, many people grow up thinking that they are mistakes because of irresponsible adults. Many people do not view the importance of abstinence from sex before marriage, and they would rather have pleasure without commitment and responsibility. Nonetheless, every child born into this world deserves a complete family so they can grow up in a secure environment and be loved. Although babies do not get to choose, adults can act appropriately and responsibly.

There is a trend to cohabit instead of committing to marriage, but we as Christians need to understand that by doing that, we are committing the act of fornication. Because we are made with emotions, during the process of fornication—especially if it ends in separation after a prolonged period—individuals will be hurt, which may have a long-term impact on our emotional health. Committing to marriage is the highest form of love and respect for the person we profess to love.

Sermon Series – Before You Say I Do