A Transforming Relationship

A Transforming Relationship
Message by Ps Carol Koh, 2 Jun 2024, 10am service
Main Passage: Mark 3:13-15 & John 3:30

Jesus went up on a mountainside and called to him those he wanted, and they came to him. He appointed twelve that they might be with him and that he might send them out to preach and to have authority to drive out demons.
Mark 3:13-15 (NIV)

  1. Given a choice, would you rather have more knowledge or healthy relationships? Why? According to Cooke, ‘Information is important, but transformation is vital.’ Do you agree? Share your reflection. What was Jesus’ initial priority when he appointed the twelve? How would you describe your relationship with Jesus? Can people see Jesus in you? Why or why not?
    (Mark 3:14, 4:11, 33-34; Luke 22:7-13; Matt 17:24-27, 21:1-3; Acts 4:13, 6:2-4; Pro 16:9, 19:21; 1 Cor 8:1)
  2. On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate yourself in terms of learning, doing, and becoming? Share how you are growing in these three areas. Do you know the mission and vision of the church? Have you taken hold of your pastor’s vision and mission for your church? Have you embraced the vision/mission and made them your own? Why or why not?
    (Luke 9:14-17, 51-56, 22:28-29; Matt 14:13-21, 15:21-28, 16:23; Mark 10:13-16)
  3. John the Baptist said, “He must increase and I must decrease.” What do you understand by this statement? Is it easy to promote the interest of others? Why or why not? Is it easy to step aside and allow others to take the limelight especially when you are the one contributing the most? Share your thought. How can you support your team players or leaders to achieve the desired outcomes? Would you be willing to serve in a different capacity than the one in which you are now serving if it would help your church to be more effective? How can we promote the interest of others? In what way(s)?
    (John 1:35-37, 3:26-30; Phi 2:4; Gal 5:15, 26; Rom 12:10, 13:8; Eph 4:32; Col 3:13)