Substance to Our Faith

Substance to Our Faith
ICS Daily Devotions

Numbers 23:19 (NKJV) ” God is not a man, that He should lie, Nor a son of man, that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good.

Faith believes that God is whatever the Word of God says He is. The key is to diligently seek Him. When we have done so and He has spoken to us, it gives substance to our faith, and we can be certain that we have received what He has promised us. Once faith is received from the Word, the grace of God will also be present in your heart to hold on until the promise comes to pass. We need faith and patience. It is challenging to hold onto faith and be patient at the same time because we live in a generation where we want things instantly. We also have the mentality that seeing is believing which is contrary to faith, because faith is believing without seeing and it is anchored either on God’s written or spoken Word. Lastly, the devil will also attempt to steal our faith by casting doubt in our hearts.

Our faith is established on God’s character, His attributes, and His ability as God to fulfil the promise that He has given us through His Word. God is completely reliable because God and His Word are One, so when He promised us something, He will see to it that it will come to pass. The Word of God gives unrivalled authority.

In Luke 7:7-9, Jesus marvelled at the Centurion’s faith, and called it “great faith”, which is believing in His Word. The Centurion was comparing his authority with Jesus’ authority being the Son of God. If there is vested authority as a centurion to command soldier to carry out orders, how much more is God’s Son able to give order for things to happen! The Centurion understood the power of Jesus’ Word! This is the kind of faith that God is looking for—someone who believes that He has spoken, and it is done.

Faith has to be established on God’s promise and a personal Word from Him. Otherwise, our faith is bound to waver if we walk out our lives without a word of promise from God or an assurance from the Holy Spirit. Therefore, we need to seek the face of God before we make any major decision like making an investment, starting a business, changing jobs, relocating, or migrating to another country, and one principle of faith is that we don’t make a move unless the Word of God shows us the way and shines before us like a lantern.

Sermon Series: Step Out!